World Getting Smaller

Monday, December 12, 2005

Back to Manufacturing in India

Combine these facts and see the writing on the wall:

  • Most companies in every sector are becoming modular to keep their leaness and costs down and improve their flexibility. This is driving them to find partners that are designers who can manufacture (and not manufacturers who can design)
  • India has huge talent pool (who are designers and can manufacture), focus on services and relatively less-capital intensive heavy industries. It has proven track record in automobile parts manufacturing
  • Manufacturing industry is hugely fragmented in India. Like it was for the steel industry until Mittal came in
  • Big corporate houses like Tatas and Birlas are still product focused companies (is it??) - they export - but they export their products, they partner but they partner to sell their own products or their partners' in the home country

Time is ripe for someone to jump in with a vision. Who will be the next Narayan Murthy or Lakshmikant Mittal?