World Getting Smaller

Thursday, January 10, 2008

First job out of college: Large company vs small start-up company

This topic is always a debatable one. Two weeks back, I was with my college friends after we have been in industry for 8 yrs now. And we still were discussing this topic!! Imagine the situation of a fresh out of college student.

When some of my best college friends met during the christmas time, one of the topics that came out was how our choices have affected our career so far. One question that still is debatable is big company vs small company.

The Answer:
I made this observation that probably we have been asking the wrong question. More than size, probably what affects the career more is whether the company you are joining is a great company in terms of finance, culture, team and every other aspect. Is it one of the market leader with great thought leadership?
Size to a large extent dictates aspects of the company culture. And it is more of a personal preference to accomodate to that culture. As long as the company you choose is a market leader, probably the career will help itself.

Most everyone agreed to this thought. We still could not agree if we should have the debatable topic of large company vs small company in our minds.

Closing Thought:
In one other blog for the first job out of college, I felt that the greedy algorithm probably is a good choice for most people (80-20 rule, so for 80% of students). For reference, it is here:
I think to choose the sector, this algorithm still works for most.


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